Spotlight on Wazoku…
the award-winning innovation tool for ALL ideas

How to create a culture of ‘Everyday Innovation’ in global companies

Wazoku’s mission is to help businesses build a culture of ‘Everyday Innovation’. A culture where innovation is everyone’s job… in every department… every working day. As Simon Hill – Founder and CEO – explains:

“We believe that in less than 5 years from now, all businesses who are serious about building an innovation culture will be exploiting ideation tools such as Wazoku’s ‘Idea Spotlight’.

Why? Because they make the end-to-end innovation process totally measurable, transparent and scalable”.

The evidence for this prediction can be found in Wazoku’s client base. Aviva, Waitrose, HSBC, Fidelity International, the Ministry of Defence and the RAF are just a few of the notable names. But the most impressive feature of this list is the broad spread of organisations that are now investing in innovation.

Global banks, insurance giants, major retailers, government ministries, armed forces… all share the same ambition to succeed through sustainable innovation.

But this begs an important question:

Who are your best innovation partners?

Deciding where and with whom you should focus your idea-generating energy is vital. Wazoku believe there are, in fact, three prime target audiences:
First – Your own Workforce. The people who work closest to your products, processes and customers are possibly your richest source of ideas.

Second – Your Ecosystem. Your wider community of business partners, suppliers and associates – their objectivity and observations can be hugely inspirational.

Third – Your Customers. Frequently the most overlooked but valuable source of ideas. The people who buy your products often provide the most honest and personal insights.

Wazoku uses all of these feeds to identify a client’s immediate need… to set them up for success… and then to experiment by involving more areas of the business and many more internal and external stakeholders.

Waitrose – check out an idea that delivered a 1,500% ROI

Stuart Eames is Operational Improvement Manager at Waitrose.

In this unique retail partnership – where staff, known as Partners, have a share in the business and its profits – there is a very clear incentive for everyone to innovate. Stuart explains more:

“Small ideas are here to stay. They have more impact and meaning to our Partners than big strategic changes. So, wherever people work in the business – driving a van, restocking shelves or managing the marketing POS – it’s essential they have an ideas submission system that’s easy to use and very accessible. ‘Idea Spotlight’ ticks all of these proverbial boxes!”

Check out this typical example of a small idea that’s delivering substantial savings…

This true story involves a Waitrose Partner who works on the check-outs. She noticed that till receipts were unnecessarily long, costly to print and environmentally damaging.

So, she decided to take action. She submitted her suggestion for shorter till receipts via an in-store iPad. ‘Idea Spotlight’ picked up the idea and swiftly turned it into a very substantial £168,000 annual cost-saving for Waitrose… and the profit-sharing Partners.

Based on the evidence of this simple case study, it is easy to see the impact that ‘Idea Spotlight’ is having on business.

With over 1,000,000 users across the globe (and growing), the value of this simple innovation tool could soon be measured in £billions – not mere £millions! That is the power of a brilliant ideas platform matched to passionate client leadership.

The Team

The Wazoku approach is empathetic, energetic and enthusiastic. Let’s leave the last words to Simon Hill:

“We understand our clients’ needs… we embrace and share their goals… and we help them bring ideas to life and so turn business dreams into realities. To put it simple, we create the perfect environment for award-winning ideas and award-winning people”.

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