The bias of living in the moment and why data will drive or destroy AI

A Comedy Store and TV legend explains why business decisions are riddled with bias while two tech leaders from Zühlke expose the risk of data bias corrupting AI. A unique matching of talents for an unmissable September ‘Innovation Talk’.

Our next ‘Innovation Talk’ breaks with tradition. We have a new format. We’ve invited three thought-leaders to interact on one subject. BIAS…both in data and in human decision-taking.

  • Dan Klein and Jason Ward – Chief Data Officer and Chief Scientist at  Zühlke – are leaders in data exploitation and AI. Together they will focus on bias within data. They will explain why our passion for living in the moment heightens both the risks and rewards of AI. Data has the power to create a brave new world or to corrupt it. Drawing on a rich vein of very recent case studies, Dan and Jason will reveal both the fascinating and frightening realities of data bias and how to deal with it.
  • Neil Mullarkey is a founder member of the Comedy Store and is regularly seen on TV’s ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway?’. He has performed in two Austin Powers movies, starred with Eddie Izzard in a sell-out West End show and is the author of ‘In The Moment’ – recently  nominated for the 2024 ‘Business Book Awards’.  Adapting skills perfected on the ’improv’ stage, Neil is also a sought-after senior management trainer. Working with organisations – such as EY, Deloitte, Vodafone, Accenture and Unilever – he shows business leaders how to bring spontaneity, creativity and collaboration to complex problem-solving. Using the same interactive techniques, Neil will turn decision-making bias into a profoundly personal experience.

Join us for a very different ‘Innovation Talk’. In our unbiassed opinion, this is going to be a hugely enjoyable, interactive event.

Date: Wednesday 11th September

Time: 9.00am to 10.00am

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